Monday, May 21, 2012

Fond Memories...Part 1

I remember back when I was little.  I remember Momma going on a 40 day fast.  She was so powerfully anointed.  Daddy and her would hold tent revivals with other ministers.  I would fall asleep on a pallet, with saw dust stirring all around me.

We went to AA Allen's tent revival and Sis. B. Medlin's revival.  People would be dancing and falling out in the spirit. People getting saved and people getting healed.

I would fall asleep many nights hearing Daddy praying.  He would anoint the doors, windows.  He would anoint us.  Momma and Daddy put a lasting impression of what it was going to take to get through life.

I would get my tape recorder out.  Line up my dolls, and stuffed animals...and begin having church. I would sing, preach, and have alter call.  They still have my tapes. lololol  Help me Lord. hahaha

They said I would pray for people when I was little, But as I grew up I began to realize I had a call on my life.  That all the preaching, singing, alter calls, was just prediction of my future in God.

I don't believe I am called to preach, but teach.  I am more of a teacher. But I do believe in God's timing that I will be all he has called me to be.
(Yes that is Momma, Daddy and Me in Momma's favorite color....yellow...lolol)

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