Wednesday, June 20, 2012

God you are my.....

Psalms 18 Lyrics

I love thee oh Lord,
The strength of my life
You are my deliverer
And I will lift You high

High Tower
My everything

I love Thee
I love Thee my King

Peace in midst of a troubled storm
Comfort and safety in Your arms
My everything

Written By: Pastor Clint S. Brown
(Thanks to Pastor Clint for writing this song that has encouraged many and ushered us into God's presence)

**This song has been my anthem through job loss, car loss, poverty, rejection, hurt, failure and so many things that I have walked through.  When I didn't think I could make it....I ran to you....has been on my lips to my Lord.

When I have felt weak and unable to defend myself I ran to my God and He rose up and covered me.  I am so thankful for his love, and protection.

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