Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Dawn is Near

God will allow life to stretch you until you feel you will snap, then release you and send you soaring in the direction he knows you will succeed.  

When you understand that God is not against you but doing what is best for you, no matter what you are facing, you can know that the outcome is going to be good.

You can feel like you are going to bleed to death inside, hurting and God will send someone to rush you to the greatest spiritual hospital....God's presence.  God will nurture life back to your bleeding soul.  He will hold you and rock you in his presence until peace comes.

They say it is the darkest just before the dawn.  I believe it is because God knows that in the dark of our life we will finally have't to trust him completely.  We no longer will be able to direct our courses.  

We often trust God with our money.  We trust God with provisions.  We trust God with our spirituality, but often...we don't trust him with our hearts.  It is because we have been hurt so, and are still trying to guard our hearts and think we know whats best.  It is in some of the darkest times that God will take charge and bring you to the brightest places your life has ever been.  

I pray that in the darkness of your lives, for God to direct you, speak to you, bring peace to you as he guides you to a brighter day.  All the confusion, will surrender to day light, and clarity will come forth.  God is going to shine his light on you and the path he wants you to take.

Friday, August 3, 2012

God's Plan

Song- Psalm 18 By: Clint Brown

Blessed beyond expression.  That is how I live.
Sharing God's love and provisions is what I give.

As he blesses me daily, more and more
I'll keep letting it flow through me and allowing my giving heart to soar.

The key is never forgetting where you come from, today
And looking back to remember and realizing this really is a new day.

Don't stay where you are or dwell on the things of the past,
but understand their only stepping stones that's why they didn't last.

God will use the things we see as mistakes,
He'll use them to make us strong, for what we prayed...Lord whatever it takes.

Lie in the valley where the pastures are green,
Take your time and let God heal you in all those places not seen.

For when you get up and are ready to leave your cave
You'll be stronger, wiser, and know in trouble times how to behave.

Cry, sit in silence, grieve or whatever you need to do
Just know that you are not forgotten, and that God has a perfect plan just for you.

Written by: Char S. Allen

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Land Mines

In relationships, it is important to have really good communication.  We all have been through things that have left their marks upon us.  You can smell a certain smell and your mind will go to back to a memory.  You see things, hear noises that takes your mind on a journey to a certain experience in time.

Some memories are just that a memory, but there are the types of memories that set off a bad reaction.  These are often areas of ones life that haven't healed.  These are what I like to call land mines.  People around you can do or say something that set off these land mines.   

That is when you know that if you do have land mines, you need to communicate that to the person you are dealing with.  Explain to them what is causing your reaction to these episodes.  If you explain to them what sets you off, then they can know how to deal with you, in a more careful way.

For example, if every time a little girl got molested by her brother, he would bring daisies to her room, then if her boyfriend, now that she is grown, brings her daisies...her mind is going to go back to a bad place.  It is then a wise thing to explain why you don't like daisies.

With time, and God's help these things can heal, but still even after healing, they will not want to be visited.
Don't be afraid to be honest to share your land mines if you trust that person.  It will help your relationship to grow and help guide the other person as how to handle you.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

God wants to save our families.....

Song - Oh the Blood By:New Jersey Mass Choir

My Friend pasted this on my FB wall this morning and it is so exciting to see what God can do.  
God wants to save our families.  He wants to save all.  No matter what you have done or where you have been he loves you and wants to change your life for the good.  Read and enjoy.....

MY SOUL REJOICES TONIGHT....I AM SOOOOOOO BLESSED THAT MY DAD HAS GIVEN HIS HEART TO JESUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He always had fear of the Lord and loved God but there were things in his life that kept him away from Jesus ....He did witchcraft for most of his life (even thou he knew it was wrong but he got deceived), he was a priest for darkness BUT TODAY ALELUYAAAAAAAAA HE HAS TRULY REPENTED A CHOSE TO TURNED AWAY FROM ALL WITCHCRAFT......THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT, God's word and the so many people that has been praying and fasting w/ us for this to come true ♥.♥ GOD promised me this will will come and He was right as always PRAISE IS TO MY JESUS THE ALMIGHTY GOD!!! I know God will help him through to be strong and continue to serve Him the rest of his days. He is 73 years old today AND YET HE WAS JUST BORN!!!! — 
~Ivan N Ines Cordero

Quiet your surrounding to hear God

In the times that we live in, everyone is yelling, protesting and arguing. It can cause anxiety, stress and anger. It's hard to get your...