Saturday, July 21, 2012

Silencing the chatter.....

Healer Song By: Kari Jobe

I don't care about all the opinions, views or thoughts of people, if it don't line up with what God is saying. What I REALLY care about is what God says about things. I already know what God says about my life and destiny. Nothing and no one is going to change that. Sometimes you have't to silence the chatter of outsiders, and nay sayers...and hear what God says AGAIN. If it means deleting people, or unfollowing, or taking them out of your phone....whatever it takes...if they aren't lining up with what God says...I don't wanta hear it. I am walking by faith not people's opinions.

When you silence all the nonsense...then you can clearly hear from the people called to speak into your life , my Pastor and from God himself.

It is God that I want to please, not people. If I were married I would seek to please my husband, but I'm the Lord is my Husbandman and is HE that I seek to please.

If he says ...this is how it will be...then it will be that way. If HE says....that's where you go....I'll go. If HE says trust me you'll love it....then I will love it. IF he says receive this person ....then I will receive them. The Lord has already shown himself trustworthy. So whatever he says ...IS SO!!! The Lord will shut the mouths of all the nay sayers in his time. That's not my battle. Don't have time for it. My enemies are God's problem. He called me, he will take care of them.

There's lots to learn, things to accomplish, and mountains to climb.

I have setbacks like any body, but I regroup and get back up. Life isn't about never falling, hurting, or being disappointed. It's about how you will respond and ultimately ...recover from it.
I have had alot of all of it, but it has made me a better Woman, stronger Woman. It helped me KNOW who I am in life, in the Kingdom and in God. Until you are laying level to the ground without two dimes to rub together, no food, no car, no job, and many saying she'll never get up, let alone be anything......then you'll never know the strength that God can place within you and the breath that God will breathe in you. I am telling has been his breath alone that has carried me through life.

My prayer tonight is SPEAK GOD SPEAK. Let the words of ppl be silenced. Shut their mouths and YOU speak your words. You, Oh Mighty God....who knows me better than Speak to me.

The Favor of God

God favored me By: Hezekiah Walker

Paul wrote concerning the promise of Abraham, Therefore it is
of faith, that it might be by grace (charis favor); to the end the promise might be sure
(certain, unfailing, and infallible) to all the seed (this means you and me!) (Rom 4:16).
You may not know exactly what belongs to you! You might not be experiencing the
sure (certain, unfailing, and infallible) promises of Abraham! If you don t know what
the promises of Abraham are then certainly you are not properly experiencing the promises
at this time. Therefore, it is time for you to begin to learn!
Once you really get a revelation that you are blessed in Abraham, you can begin to truly walk in God's favor. 

Favor is not always used in a comparative way toward others. It sometimes simply means that the one favored is shown kindness and treated with a generosity and goodwill far beyond what would normally be expected. This is generally the favor that we receive from the Lord. We are treated much better than we could expect. Of course, every believer is favored to somedegree. Therefore, we must understand God's favor in degrees. The more we please God, the more we will be favored by Him. Also, it is important not to think of this favor in material or worldly terms. God's favor most likely will be given in spiritual blessings more than in material blessings. Here are some of the ways by which we obtain the favor of the Lord:
There are many benefits of being in the favor of the Lord. Here are some of them:
We can grow in favor both with God and with man-as did the child Samuel (1 Samuel 2:26) and the child Jesus (Luke 2:52). The phrase, to find favor in the eyes of, or, in the sight of, came from the Old Testament. Every saint of God should desire and seek to have favor in the eyes of the Lord. We grow in that favor as we faithfully live for the Lord.
However, this should not be looked upon as some sort of secret formula for getting everything we want. For purposes of His own, God sometimes takes those He loves through special trials. Job is the primary example but similar instances happen in the lives of many. However, if we continually draw closer to the Lord, we will come to dwell in His favor and in His favor is life (Psalm 30:5).

The book of Haggai is a marvelous lesson on how to get and keep the blessing and favor of the Lord. In utter simplicity the prophet Haggai outlines how God's children can live and walk under God's continual blessing and favor.
Yet Haggai also shows the causes and reasons why people lose God's blessing - and what they must do to come back into His favor! This is true for nations, families, individuals.

God Speaks

One thing that I have learned in life is that people will let you down, hurt you, disappoint you, reject you, leave you.  This is life.
The only one that you can count on is the Lord. His word is certain and the only thing that will stand.  Everything else will pass away.
It is certain that if God speaks, he will be faithful to fulfill, one way or the other.  Because when he speaks, it  forms in the heavens.  God can't speak without it being formed. When God opens his mouth to us....things are formed.  That is why I cry out for God to always speak into my life.  I want his will and way to be formed in me.  Nothing else will do.
When the world walks out on you....God will step in and do a mighty work.  In the bible his people always waited on a word from God, because God's word was a certain thing.  Not a wavering , yes today, maybe tomorrow, let's change the next.  What he spoke, they could count on.
I pray that whatever you are facing that God will speak into your situations and turn things around. Trust your God. He is faithful.
Song-"Word of God speak" By:Mercy Me

Sunday, July 15, 2012

De-Clutter Your Mind

De-Clutter Your Mind

By Glynnis Whitwer

Getting organized is near the top of most of our to-do lists.   But I’ll venture to say 75% or more of our clutter problems aren’t because we don’t work hard enough, or that our homes are too small or our children are messy.  Most of our problems start because we can’t think through what needs to be done.  We can’t get our minds under control.  We can’t make decisions.  We are on mental overload.
Do you know that feeling?
For years, I lived with an ongoing sense that I should be doing something all the time. It ate at me. Even when I was focused on something important, there was a latent unease about what else I should be doing.  It was an underlying anxiety that hung around, even when there was no pressing deadline or responsibility.   It caused stress and lack of sleep.
It wasn’t until I read David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done, that I discovered a reason for this tension.   It seems our brains aren’t designed to store and manage all of the information, deadlines and demands that swirl around us at all times.
Allen writes, “The big problem is that your mind keeps reminding you of things when you can’t do anything about them. It has no sense of past or future. That means that as soon as you tell yourself that you need to do something, and store it in your RAM (your mind), there’s a part of you that thinks you should be doing that something all the time.”
It was a head-slapping moment when I read those words. That was it! Allen goes on to explain that the first step to finding a solution is to get everything out of your mind and store it somewhere safe. Not the “safe” place you stored an important document at home, and now can’t find. But somewhere close at hand.
I realized my mind was trying to manage more stuff than it could hold, and one to-do list wasn’t the answer because it wasn’t keeping things in safe places. 
So I decided to do something about it and created a project management notebook.  Here’s what I did:
  1. I took a personal assessment of all my responsibilities, projects, priorities and tasks. Everything.  I got everything out of my mind and onto one master list.  This took a few pages and about a week as things came to my mind.  I listed things that I had to do that week and in the coming months.  Nothing was too big or too small to include.  I didn’t try to bring any organization to it, I just did a major brain dump.
  2. When I had everything in one place, I had a near panic attack at how big the list was.
  3. Once I could breathe normally, I divided that list into two lists:  a project list and a task list.  A project is anything that takes more than one step.  Like planning a birthday party or writing a book proposal.  A task is anything that is only one step, like making a dentist appointment.
  4. Using that philosophy, I created a project management notebook to keep track of all my responsibilities.  I actually developed this idea further and now keep lists of all kinds of things I want to remember, like devotions I want to write and notes on upcoming projects.  This notebook isn’t fancy.  It’s just a simple three-ring binder.
  5. I create my weekly to-do list by pulling a manageable number of items off one of my lists. 
Having a safe place to keep track of things I need to remember enables me to have more peace, and be fully present when I need to be.  I don’t have that constant anxiety about what I am forgetting.  But even more important than that, having everything in one place made me realize I was doing too much.  No one could keep up the pace I had set for myself.  But without a master plan, I couldn’t adequately assess my workload.
The truth is I have enough time and energy to do everything God asks me to do.  The problem is I add lots more on to my plate. So I’m on a journey to be a better steward of my time and mental energy.  And that starts with keeping my mind clear of clutter.
Glynnis Whitwer is on staff with Proverbs 31 Ministries as the Senior Editor of the P31 Woman magazine and director of the Writing Team. She is one of the writers ofEncouragement for Today, the Proverbs 31 e-mail devotions, with over 500,000 daily readers.  Her newest book, I Used to be So Organized, was released last fall.  Glynnis, her husband Tod, and their five children live in Glendale, Arizona. for more information.

Quiet your surrounding to hear God

In the times that we live in, everyone is yelling, protesting and arguing. It can cause anxiety, stress and anger. It's hard to get your...