Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Woman's Mind

We must equip our daughters to face many giants.  satan knows we are vessels that God uses to birth many things.  We birth great Men and Women for God.  We birth visions, and dreams.  So satan wants to distort our minds.  He wants to make us low self esteem and make us to feel that we are incapable of doing what we were designed to do.  That we have't to settle for less than what God has for us.  That we have't to stay in the mess that satan planned for us to get swolled up in.

satan will use, abuse, rape, neglect, abandonment, poverty, mess with our minds.  I am a product of these attacks.

Great news is...."God is the restorer".  He has taken me from a victim mentality to a victorious mind set.  God is amazing. I once couldn't hardly lift my head because of hurt, rejection and shame.  Now I KNOW who I am in God.

God will turn the very thing that satan meant to destroy you with, and turn it into your ministry of hope for others.  That is how God turns ashes to beauty.  satan comes to kill, steal and destroy.  God comes to give life and give it more abundant.  God does not require us to live in any form of abuse.  I am so thankful that God will take hurts, wounds and mess and turn it into a Miracle.

My life is not perfect but God has brought me so far.  Daily I walk toward all God meant for my life.  

Thursday, May 10, 2012


In a world of high technology, fancy everything, sky is less often that we take a road of things in a simple form.  

Often we seek places to go and things to do.  Instead of a quiet day watching nature and listening to the birds.  

What I have found though, is that it is in the simple flight of a butterfly, that I feel free.  In the singing of a bird that I hear praise.  In the rustle of trees that I realize how amazing the wind is.  I  can see God in so many things.  He created it all and you can see clearly, God's signature everywhere. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Everyone has different ways to deal with stress.  The key is finding that way and utilizing it.

For me in the situation I am in now...I garden.  I am growing a vegetable garden.  It is therapy for me.  It is quiet outside so it gives me time to think and relax even though I am working.

I also do a journal to help release concerns and activities of the day.

Bottling thoughts and feelings up can create ulcers in your stomach and sometimes even bring on depression.   So learning to  find ways to regroup it is good for you not only in health, but mentally.

Here are some suggestions....

Reading, walking, swimming, gardening, exercise, writing rather journal or a book, time at a park or beach, vacation, games, watching movies, music, prayer, reading God's word, talking to a close friend, enjoying a pet.

Whatever your choice, enjoy it and don't sweat the small stuff.  Things that seem huge today in a month or two probably won't matter.

Quiet your surrounding to hear God

In the times that we live in, everyone is yelling, protesting and arguing. It can cause anxiety, stress and anger. It's hard to get your...