Saturday, June 23, 2012

Freezing Foods

One thing I have learned through hard times is to conserve.  So I have a few tips to those who would like to know.

*When boiling meats, such as chicken, always save the broth from it if you are not going to use it.  You can cool it off and put in a plastic container or freezer bag.  It may be used for soups or gravy.

*Many times I open vegetables but have a couple of spoon fulls of vegetables left over.  Well instead of throwing them out.....take a plastic bowl (I often use a butter bowl) and put it in the freezer.  When you have those spoon fulls put it in the plastic container.  Eventually you will have enough for a good soup.

*If you have bananas going bad cut it up and freeze it.  You can use it for a banana nut bread later or oatmeal.

*Cut up onions, carrots, tomatoes and fresh vegetable you feel is fixing to go bad but you are unable to use at the time and put them in a freezer bag.  You can use them later for soups, spaghetti, sauces...etc...

*When I get greens, such as mustard, collards, I always cut the end off of them and root them to grow more.

* When I get green onions, I cut the ends off and plant them for more green onions to grow.

*I go to the bread store and get several loaves of bread.  So I freeze some of them till I am ready to use them.  I get a good deal while I can and store up.

*I save the ham bone for hams to put in the greens, peas, and beans.  It adds such flavor.

*Fried onion, and bacon will add flavor to just about anything.  I always try to keep some cut up and froze for later use.

*My daughter makes us oatmeal and puts fresh fruit in it and then we freeze it for tough times.

*You can make up cake, or cookie dough, freeze it for those day you just want to throw it in the oven.

*If you have pots and pans that you can't get the stains out of...try oven cleaner.

*Any left over turkey I cut up and make a gravy with it.  You can freeze it for another time.

*You can make up hamburger patties, meatballs ahead of time and freeze.

*We freeze up fruit for desserts on a later date.

Here are some sites to get more info on freezing your food:

>If you want to add any of your suggestion please feel free to comment.  


Can you even imagine what Esther must have felt?  Here she is at the palace.  So out of place.  She was used to a simple life.  Not one of fancy things or royalty.  Untaught when it came to all the protocol that comes with being a Queen. Any flaws she had must have seemed magnified.  Only her love and passion for her God was deep and purpose drove her to submit to a plan she couldn't understand.

Now she is surrounded by servants trying to prepare her for a Night with the King.  
I imagine that she must feel unsure of herself.  Wondering why a King would even give her the time of day let alone choose her. Here he is of great wisdom, handsome, and great leadership.  He could have had any woman he chose.  So what was going to make him want a women with no royalty back ground? A woman rough around the edges?  Beautiful women surrounded him.  What was going to make her stand out?  Only the anointed favor of God could make her stand out and cause her to win his heart for an eternity.

Broken, still see me.....
The Real Me (click)

Yet she walks through the process knowing that God is with her.  Soaking in specials oils and learning proper etiquette for meeting royalty. Changing her clothing.  Grooming her hair.  Eating different.  Learning what he prefers.  How to entertain him.  So much she had to learn to be pleasing to someone of this authority, this caliber.  I am sure she was a bit scared.

Often we are called to places that we are not comfortable in.  Places we may feel out of place in.  That is why the process is so important.  God will always prepare us and teach us through the Holy Spirit, what we need to know.  God will always anoint us as we commit to the process.

We don't chose these paths, for God has these plans even in your Momma's womb.  That is why satan tries to destroy babies in the womb and our children at a young age.  To keep them from fulfilling the calls on their lives.  So we are to guard them and guide them along the journey to finding God's plan.

One night with the King changes day in his courts....did forever change my moment in his presence...and I've never been the same....
Destiny was placed in me in my Momma's womb.  Destiny can be a place, purpose, calling...whatever it is...
One Moment in His presence (click)

Today rather you are seeking to find out God's plan or you are walking the process of fulfilling God's plan, just know that God has all you need.  He will provide, protect, and instruct.  Grow through this process and allow God to manifest through you for HIS purpose and HIS people.  God has a plan to win souls, help his people, and reach the hurting.

Never be afraid to step forward day by day toward what God has called you to do, or be.  It may be a long process but the world is waiting for you to step up.  So when you feel like hope has gone.......
Be the Esther of today.

There's Hero in you...if you look inside your heart (click)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tearing the Strongholds in your City

Breaking Strongholds Book

Learning how to take Authority in your city will Intel you in doing your research of your city.  You need to learn leaders and the back ground of your city to understand the strongholds that satan is holding them captive with now.  

As I learn more about it I will add to this.  I am excited to ready myself for warfare for my City. 

Birthing in the Spirit

When you begin to become intimate in relationship with God, surrendering your will, your plans, your dreams....he will implant seed of HIS dreams, and visions for you.  His are so much bigger and better than ours could ever be.

As you walk the journey and process, there are many lessons to learn and trials to overcome.  There are times you will become anxious and want to abort it, because of lack of confidence, fear, or frustration.  Never give up in the process.

If you stay at the feet of the one who put purpose in you, he will finish the work HE has begun in you.

When it comes time, when your season has changed and it is birthing time, there are different ways that you can birth.  

Some birth very easily and bring it forth with just  little pushing and pressing forward.  

Others, may take longer and have't to push harder. Some may be carrying twins, triplets...multiple visions and dreams.  There may be some difficult moments you have't to cry out and others that you grab hold of someone and need them to stand with you, but you will bring it forth.

Then there are those that, have vision so big, that they, themselves cannot birth it.  They have carried it great but the birthing they can't do along.  It will require the one who placed it in them to open them and pull it out. (C-Section in the spirit) Some things only come by fasting and prayer, travail.  The Holy Spirit will do in that moment what the carrier could never do on their own.  It is a Super-Natural birthing.  

Whatever kind of birthing God has for you, know that as a Women you are called to be a birthing vessel.  God will place dreams, visions of yours and others for you to bring forth.  It is your call to carry it with prayer, God's word and grace.  Then allow the Lord to bring forth through you His purpose.

As birthing vessels, satan, the enemy, will always be attacking your mind, body, and heart.  He wants to cripple you into thinking you are unworthy and useless. He will do it through abuse, rape, molestation, rejection, poverty, health issues, low self esteem, attacks on the mind.  If he can convince you that you aren't anything then you will be ashamed to even try to go into God's presence, let alone, allow him to birth through you.  

God is the healer.  Whatever you have experienced or walked through, purpose is still awaiting you.  Vision beckons your name.  I pray complete healing in your heart, soul, mind and body.  That you would walk with confidence and a heart that is submitted to God.  That God would fill you with visions and dreams of destiny.  Then I pray the Holy Spirit to guard you, keep you, instruct you and help you birth all God has called you to birth. In Jesus mighty name.  Amen!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

God you are my.....

Psalms 18 Lyrics

I love thee oh Lord,
The strength of my life
You are my deliverer
And I will lift You high

High Tower
My everything

I love Thee
I love Thee my King

Peace in midst of a troubled storm
Comfort and safety in Your arms
My everything

Written By: Pastor Clint S. Brown
(Thanks to Pastor Clint for writing this song that has encouraged many and ushered us into God's presence)

**This song has been my anthem through job loss, car loss, poverty, rejection, hurt, failure and so many things that I have walked through.  When I didn't think I could make it....I ran to you....has been on my lips to my Lord.

When I have felt weak and unable to defend myself I ran to my God and He rose up and covered me.  I am so thankful for his love, and protection.

A Stubborn Heart

stub·born   [stuhb-ern]  
unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child.
fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute: a stubborn opponent of foreign aid.
obstinately maintained, as a course of action: a stubborn resistance.
difficult to manage or suppress: a stubborn horse; a stubborn pain.
hard, tough, or stiff, as stone or wood; difficult to shape or work.

Stubborn Heart
11But My people would not hearken to My voice, and Israel would have none of Me. 12So I gave them up to their own hearts' lust and let them go after their own stubborn will, that they might follow their own counsels. 13Oh, that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways! 14Speedily then I would subdue their enemies and turn My hand against their adversaries. 15[Had Israel listened to Me in Egypt, then] those who hated the Lord would have come cringing before Him, and their defeat would have lasted forever. 16[God] would feed [Israel now] also with the finest of the wheat; and with honey out of the rock would I satisfy you.  Psalm 81:11-16 AMP 

So many times throughout the bible God warned and tried to lead the Children of Israel but they had their own ways and were set in there own desires and wouldn't bend or change.  Often you see their sad and painful consequences.  

God wants us to have a pliable heart that he can speak to and direct.  When we set that we are too good, been through too much to... and refuse to walk the path that God asks us to walk, we set ourselves up for a great downfall.  

The problem of the stubborn heart is something that the Israelites struggled with throughout their existence. God tried again and again to persuade the Israelites to follow him, but they rebelled repeatedly. He ultimately gave the people up to follow their lusts, “to go after their own stubborn will, that they might follow their own counsels.”  Notice how God didn’t force them to obey him. He gave them a choice, and allowed them to follow their stubborn wills.   

In the final verses of the Psalm, God reflected on the benefits that the people would have enjoyed, had they hearkened to his voice.  Specifically, he would have turned his hand against their adversaries and permanently subdued them.  He also would have prospered and satisfied them with good things, such as the finest wheat and honey.   

My prayer is that each of us learn to be obedient unto God.  That we are willing to do things that aren't comfortable, or that we don't really want to do, but we do it because God has asked us to do them, knowing in the end, great is our reward.

Quiet your surrounding to hear God

In the times that we live in, everyone is yelling, protesting and arguing. It can cause anxiety, stress and anger. It's hard to get your...