Saturday, May 19, 2012

Misunderstanding Someone

It is so easy through facebook, twitter, texting, emails, and misunderstand what a person is really saying.  Sometimes the intent gets lost.  I do believe that if you don't really know a person you cannot truly grasp where their minds are coming from.

Until you know a person's story, what they have walked through it is so hard to know why they do what they do, or say what they say.  We all have what I call land mines.  They are emotional areas that are sensitive and when stepped on hit a persons nerve and causes them to react in ways that most people wouldn't.

Once you know a persons land mines, you can, out of love, learn to avoid them.  Learn how to help that person find healing in those areas.  It is with alot of communication that one starts to grasp the totality  of a person's mind, heart, and soul.  

Face to face talking is the best.  Something of emotions get lost in all the technology. So my advice, is this.  Don't allow any for of technology to shape your true opinion of someone.  It is when you meet them face to face, talk face to face , that you are able to discern, and learn who they really are. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Psychology of colors

Colors really do play a factor in how we respond and feel....Check this out.


We often are so spiritual that we fail to realize that God speaks to us in the natural. He will send a bird to serenade us in the morning and crickets to put us to sleep. He will allow a butterfly to flutter by to show how elegant his creation is. He will send a fly to tickle your nose to make you smile and a lizard to chase you to make you laugh. God isn't only in the spirit but uses and allows his creation to speak to us in a huge way. Be aware of your surroundings today and watch what God will do. ;o)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Each one of us look through our own eyes of perception.  We see things with different views.  Often it is hard to understand some things because of this. 

That is why we must pray and learn to look through the eyes of Christ.  To see things as he sees.  View things as he views them.  Our thoughts and opinions can be narrow or shallow but Christ thoughts are deep and broad.  He sees the whole picture.  The before and the after. 

Many see rain as gloomy, sad, dreary,  But if you have been in a drought, then you view it as a blessing.  You want to dance in it and jump for joy.  When you can get passed the inconvenience of an umbrella, rain coat, bad hair day, then you can see that the earth needs watering, the water levels need to rise.  There will always be things that we find uncomfortable but when we can look passed ourselves and see the greater need, we can share in the joy of what is taking place.

I encourage you today to not only view things through your eyes but through others, and through Christ.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Once a heart that beat rapidly at the thought of love, with time, hurt, and rejection, now guards it's self and has become untrusting. 

What God can mean to be a beautiful thing can become corrupt, and hurtful. What was meant to be a treasure can quickly become tarnished.

Just as people make messes out of things, God designs miraculous lives.  He takes the messes and brokenness of  our lives and creates peaceful things of beauty.  God's glue is called forgiveness and love.  His glue will outlast any other form of glue that we as mortals try to create.

So I look at things from a different angle today.  I don't stress it or question it.  What seems as though  it could never be or ever in the hands of a miracle working God.  If he wants to heal whats broke, then it will be far greater than my mind could ever imagine. If he chooses to replace it, then it will be much better.  

Leaving love, and my future in the hands of the one that created the earth, heavens, and all things, is easy.  For I know God doesn't make mistakes.   He fixes them.  

Monday, May 14, 2012


In most of all the tests and trials I have walked through, one of the biggest things satan wanted to accomplish was to isolate me from God's people and from God.  He wanted me to be so wounded that I hated the afflictions of God's people and then become angry with God for allowing it to happen.

It took me to time realize who was causing those afflictions.  When I realized God was truly for me, then I released my anger towards him and began to fight the true enemy.

When satan separates you from God's people, you stand alone.  You don't have encouragement or anyone to remind you of who you are in God.  

That is why it is so important to surround yourself with people that are on fire for God because when the enemy attacks you have a mighty force standing WITH you.

If you allow God, he can heal, restore and renew you. He will give you discernment to know who is walking with God and those that are not.  

God does not cause evil things to come to your life, satan does, but God will use them to help you grow strong and bring glory to the Kingdom.  He will build a ministry from your mess if you allow him.  

Miracle Monday

Welcome to Miracle Monday.  You awoke, which means purpose and destiny are still attached to you.  God has plans for you, no matter what the devil has told you.

So get up with confidence, knowing God is guarding you.  He wants to see you be all you were created to be.  

The very thing you thought would kill you....has made you strong, wise, and prepared for today.

May your Monday explode with miracles!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Happy Mothers's Day to my beautiful Momma, Betty J. Sumner.  She survived her brain bleeding.  God worked a miracle in her and we are so honored to have her with us.

She has been a Woman of prayer, fasting, and God's word.  She not only taught us but lived it.  When sickness or trouble came Momma was on it, with prayer.

I am so thankful to have had my children to know such a Queen of God's word.

Quiet your surrounding to hear God

In the times that we live in, everyone is yelling, protesting and arguing. It can cause anxiety, stress and anger. It's hard to get your...