Saturday, May 26, 2012


I had gone to Faith World and joined the Church.  I didn't know what to become a part of.  They called me and asked me to become an Intercessor.  So I said yes.

I had no idea that there was a difference in just praying and interceding.  I didn't realize that God was taking me on a journey to grow.  I questioned why God wanted me to learn to pray when I already knew how to pray.  What I didn't realize is there are different ways to pray.  Different approaches, and different purposes.

I began to experience warfare myself.  It blew my mind how many satanic encounters I had.  Just up in my face.  I had to quickly grow up in God and put on my big girl Panties...(stole the quote from my Pastor lol)

I didn't quite understand my place or position honestly.  So one night in a dream God showed me how it was. 

I saw a field  ripe and ready for harvest.  It was so beautiful and plush.  Then God pulled me back and I saw further from a distance, the devourer.  They were lining up and preparing to take the harvest.  As I looked back at the harvest I saw all along the boarder, Intercessors with the weapons standing guard.  

They were mighty and ready to war for the harvest.  God said those guarding with mighty weapons are the Intercessors.  You are one of them.  Then it became clear that I would need to guard and intercede for the Ministry God was going to position me in.

I know Intercessory is only part of what God wants for my life but the dream was so real.  God knew that I am a picture-ristic kind of person.  I knew a person had to lay it out for me to truly understand.  God is amazing.

What is the difference between Intercession and Prayer


(That is Pam Harrison, Me in the blue vest, Ruth Cox, Ruth Kerr, and Ruth Keller I know it's awful but I can't remember the one teacher with the white sweaters name...We were the Missionette Group. I was the Coordinator)

I was still married.  He was cheating, not taking care of us financially, and abusive.  I was so worn and lonely.  Married but alone.  I knew he lied to me about so many things but he isolated me at times so I could not check up on him.  But God always has a way of exposing evil.

I had heard that Brownsville, Florida was in a great revival.  Many different ones went from our church.  Telling of all the miracles and things going on.  I wanted to experience it. I laid on my bedroom floor crying out to God for change. I couldn't keep performing and acting like things were ok.  I had tried and tried like the church wanted but he never changed. I had put on so much weight from being so sad and rejected. I hated myself and life. I wanted it to work but,  He just kept apologizing and going back to it.  I began fasting and praying for a breakthrough to come.

  So I went to the revival,  with  friends from the church.  We got our hotel and then went and waited in line on the sidewalk early in the morning.  Waiting ....for time for church that evening at 7pm. I went prepared and expecting the supernatural power of God to meet me.  We ate, talked, met people, sang, prayed.  It was amazing to see so many people hungry for God.  

There came a storm.  It began to rain hard, thunder pounded, and lightening flashed.  We gathered under each others umbrellas and held on till it passed.  Wet, sweaty, worn, but soooo ready to meet with God in a mighty way.  When it came close to could literally feel the atmosphere thicken out there.  There was such an anticipation of God's presence.

When we finally went in the Church, and it began.  The presence of God was powerful.  When the Evangelist, Steve Hill, got up and began to preach.  The word was so powerful.  When he gave alter call for the lost they went.  He had those who had a need to step out and come up front, but it was so packed that I could only step out in the isle.  When I did I just prayed and waited for God.  I looked up and the Pastor of the Church Pastor Kilpatrick looked back and our eyes met.  He started walking through the crowd, laying hands on and working his way back to were I was.  When he got before he looked at me and pointed his hands toward me and I was down.  That was my first experience in being slain in the spirit.

As I lay there, God began to minister to me.  I saw a screen like a TV.  On was a man that had violated me and I said "God I don't want to look at this, please remove it".  He said "Look at it, until you are able to look at it and let me heal you, I can't use you". So I looked.  I saw his hand appear and erase it.  

Then another violation after the other...each time God's hand appeared and erased it.  I cried and said "Lord I want to be used by you with all my heart".  I said "Take whatever you have't to, do whatever you have't to do."  He said "It is done". I will use you mightily. Then I felt like heaven reached down and kissed my forehead.  I felt like a school girl.  New and in love with whom I had just talked with.

This was in June I believe when we went.  By October I was in a divorce.  Before the year was up I had lost my marriage, house, car...only had the kids, and clothes that I owned.  Very little did I take.  I let him have the house, and stuff in it. I made bad choices and God had to clean it up.  I could no longer live in the abuse and allow him to damage my Son.

It then was the beginning of heading toward God's will for my life.  I had done it my way and failed.  Now God was going to direct me.  So the journey began.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fond Memories ....Part 2

(This is Lorraine, Cindy, Momma, Daddy and Me in front in the red dress)

I remember our trips to Georgia every Summer when I was little.  I looked forward to them so much.  It was a time of getting to see all the family.  We would stay with different ones and have gatherings.  Daddy would take us on car rides and show us all the different places he grew up.

We mostly stayed with Uncle Talmadge and Aunt Ollie Mae.  They always opened their home to us and treated us well.  I remember their porch swing.  I would swing in the hot evenings watching the sun set and listening to the crickets.  Run and play in the yard with Chris and Bryan, my cousins.  We would sit under neath the Muscadine grape arch, talk and eat. lolol  Run, and slip on the hard Georgia clay.  Go over to their house, next door and Sandra would give us popcicles or take us to a little store where we got these little ice creams with the wooden spoon on top. Wonderful times.

I remember we had moved up there for a while so I went to school with Chris, Judy, Jimmy, and Lorraine.  I'll never forget one day faking sick to just go lay down, I was tired, and low and behold...there was Chris and Judy there too...lololol   We laid and talked all day.  lolol  Such silly heads we were.  

There were times we stayed with Uncle Alvie in his house.  I loved the wrap around porch and swing there. It was so much fun.  He always picked at me and made me laugh.

We would head over to Uncle BJ and Aunt Mary's house to visit.  There they had a black colored bird that always entertained me. I would listen to all the family chatter but enjoyed so much just being there.

We would visit Aunt Dollie Belle and Uncle Wilmer.  Such hospitality she showed.  I always loved her southern draw and spunk.  Daddy always said I was alot like Aunt Dollie Belle. lolol  There I would get to see briefly, Faye, Kim, and Mike.  It was a good visit.

Then there was going to Uncle Dewitt's and Aunt Dollie Jeans' house.  So much fun.  Aunt Dollie made things so comfortable and we laughed so much.  Daddy and Uncle Dewitt always seemed so much alike to me. My cousins, Roger, Dewayne, Larry were young then, but I enjoyed dragging them around as a baby. lolol

Aunt Lollis and Uncle Larson would usually come to some of the families houses to have a get together and we would spend time with them.  They lived over on the other side of Georgia.  Such a Sweet Lady and Charming Man.  Loved their spirits.

Lord help me...I remember living in a house with an outhouse....lolol didn't just happen on Litttle house on the Prairie...hahaha....and the one didn't even have running water ...we had to get it from the well.   So when we finally got a house with indoor plumbing and running water I did a dance for joy....lolololol  
We had pecan trees in our yard.  So there were pecans every where.  I loved it.  Across the street they were growing tobacco.  Down the road they grew beans.  Oh the simple country life was such a sweet part of my raising I cherish and never will deny.  Nothing like a quite night listening to nature and watching stars, swinging with some lemonade and toast with fig jam.  Aunt Ollie Mae made the best fig Jam ever.  I miss all my Uncles and Aunts, cousins.  I cherish them.  They are my family and my friends.  

When we would get back from Georgia, we would go over to Aunt Laura Mae and Uncle Deal's house here in Apopka.  We would visit and share all the news of Georgia.  There I'd get to see Joyce alot.  Every now and then I would get to see Earl or Geneva and their families.  It was good having family local.

Now the Summers are quite here at home with Momma and Daddy and the kids.  Not a Summer goes by that I don't think of my family and miss them.  Times goes on and we all live busy lives, but the memories stay engraved in my heart forever.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fond Memories...Part 1

I remember back when I was little.  I remember Momma going on a 40 day fast.  She was so powerfully anointed.  Daddy and her would hold tent revivals with other ministers.  I would fall asleep on a pallet, with saw dust stirring all around me.

We went to AA Allen's tent revival and Sis. B. Medlin's revival.  People would be dancing and falling out in the spirit. People getting saved and people getting healed.

I would fall asleep many nights hearing Daddy praying.  He would anoint the doors, windows.  He would anoint us.  Momma and Daddy put a lasting impression of what it was going to take to get through life.

I would get my tape recorder out.  Line up my dolls, and stuffed animals...and begin having church. I would sing, preach, and have alter call.  They still have my tapes. lololol  Help me Lord. hahaha

They said I would pray for people when I was little, But as I grew up I began to realize I had a call on my life.  That all the preaching, singing, alter calls, was just prediction of my future in God.

I don't believe I am called to preach, but teach.  I am more of a teacher. But I do believe in God's timing that I will be all he has called me to be.
(Yes that is Momma, Daddy and Me in Momma's favorite color....yellow...lolol)

Quiet your surrounding to hear God

In the times that we live in, everyone is yelling, protesting and arguing. It can cause anxiety, stress and anger. It's hard to get your...