Saturday, September 29, 2012


Song- "How He Loves Us" by: Kari Jobe
Many times I have questioned the road I have been down.  I have wondered if it was something I did, for it has been a hard, rough, lonely road.  I have wondered what I did so wrong that I would have't to travel such a path.

Now I understand that it was for my good.  To help me grow as an individual.  I relied too much on other people's opinions and advice.  Now I know the voice that I need to listen to.  I know where to turn when things don't line up or trouble comes.

I know how it feels to sit 2 and half months without electricity...wanting to cry, but understanding that God had not left me but was watching over me even then.  God taught me how to make the best of things.  The kids and me cooked on the grill, and open fire as much as we could.  We walked to my parents for showers. We played games, had long talks, laughed, fought, and prayed together.  I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.  I don't miss the hard times back then, but I am so glad God trusted my family enough to allow us to walk through it.  Times without a car.  No car for almost 3 years.  My sister, Cindy came and got us once a week so we could get groceries.  God love her!!!  If she hadn't, we would have perished.  Just sitting staring at 4 walls and wondering if we would ever get out of that pit. Nothing to do, no place to be, just sitting, then getting tired and laying, walking, then sitting some more.

Watching my son, Kyle, go through so much depression, drugs, and angry at where we were.  I knew he had a call on his life and the enemy wanted so badly to take him out. His name is Dexter Kyle Allen.  I never called him Dexter, because that reminded me of his Father and I didn't want to remember him in the same sense as his father.  So I always and will always call him Kyle. He is so different than his father.  Curses have been broke off of him.  Generational curses no longer tug at him.  He is free to be the man God formed in my womb with purpose.  He is a strong mighty Man of God now.  I am very proud of him.

My daughter, Scilla, stood by me through so much.  She was the one who took over when I couldn't handle it any more.  So much was on my shoulders and I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  She grew into a nurturing, loving, organized young woman.  I can't believe how great she is at fixing things and getting things organized.  If I had a business I would have her as my assistant.  She is awesome in that way.  She knows how to pull things together. She can create things, fix things, figure things out, great with math, and soothe a person when they are falling apart. 

I know when we lost our house, it was in God's plan.  God wanted me to take care of my parents and as much as everyone wants to push me back into the rat race....taking care of my parents is what I am called to do for now.  I know God wants to use me in other ways and he is going to open that up soon, but I will be able to have someone stay with Momma and Daddy while I am busy about the Kingdom.  God will provide all that in time.  

I don't claim to be full of answers, or know everything, for I have so much to learn.  So much that I don't know.  I am on a journey of growing daily.  Like a sponge absorbing God's word, and knowledge along the way.  My desire is to fulfill God's dreams for me.  What God longs to see come forth out of me.

I am not a spotlight kind of person.  I work great behind a desk, phone, or one on one.  I can stand before people but I generally just like pushing everyone else to be out there.  I know it has been my place to war for my Children and their destinies.  satan has longed to still it, and destroy what God has planned for them both.   I have had to steal away and declare over them what God calls them.... for years.  Watching them grow up and start to step out into God's plan ....brings a joy that only a Momma could understand.

I am blessed.  Rough, the road has been, but great are the blessings of God who endure.  I stand firm and know that my God is going to take care of me and restore all that I have lost.  God may allow you to be stripped, but only to make room for what HE has for you.  Greater, better, larger, beyond our imaginations. 

I know God has my provision, ministry, boaz, home, future, destiny.....all lined up according to HIS desire and I will receive all of it in HIS timing.  

So my encouragement for all of you is this, you will have hard times. But just like seasons, they come, and they will go.  They won't last forever.  So be faithful to pray, fast, read God's word and trust his word that no matter how hard it gets, God will bring you out.  He will restore you. 

God has plans for each of our lives.  We have't to desire that path, and allow God to lead us to fulfill it.  He wants us to be whole, complete, happy, blessed Christians more than we want it.
Song - "More Beautiful You" by:Jonny Diaz

Mat 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


"A Woman's Journey"
Then the time came when the risk it took 
To remain tight in a bud was more painful
Than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin

I believe that there are a lot of Women who have faced something treacherous, something, heart wrenching, something so painful that in her heart she feels she dare not tell a soul.

These things can leave a Woman feeling handicapped, cripple.  When she is meant to excel, grow, flourish.  It causes her mentality to be altered.  God created her to have dreams, visions, hopes.  These things....cause her to feel hopeless, unworthy and broke.  Dreams that she would have followed after, are left behind.  Things that she would have dared to be ....she no longer has the strength to do.

Many Women keep these THINGS, these horrible things locked up inside.  Feeling that they dare not tell a soul.  That no one would understand.  No one would believe them.  That people would think horrible things of them.  When in reality, most Women have been through something similar.  

There is a freedom in revealing, facing and beginning to deal with these hidden things.  It is so liberating to be able to say...yes...that happened to me...but I am not going to let it control me or chain me down any longer.

I come to tell each and every Woman that have experienced any of these THINGS...(rape, molestation, abuse, poverty, divorce, abandonment, loss, failures, addictions, etc...) that God has a plan for you STILL.  That nothing and I mean nothing can alter the love of your God.  That he not only adores you, but wants you to fulfill your dreams that he has placed in you. That it's not over, but you will begin again...when you face it, expose it, deal with it, and release it.

Just like a flower as a bud, it becomes too painful to stay closed.  There comes a time you must open up and release the fragrance God has placed in you.  You are more precious than any jewel.  He loves you so much he sent his only Son, to die for you.  The Holy Spirit has been assigned to you to help you walk the process of healing.

I pray tonight that God will place someone to open up to and release the pains of your past.  God is going to do some supernatural things in your life when you do.  I am praying for a divine encounter in your life with God.
(You can reach your destiny...your are loosed)

"In that day," declares the Lord,
"You will call me 'My Husband';
you will no longer call me 'My Master....'

I will betroth you to me forever;
I will betroth you in righteousness and justice,
in love and compassion."  Hosea 2:16, 19

Monday, September 24, 2012


I learned a lot in the Prayer Summit at my Church.  One thing is that sin and iniquity are different.  Sin, you can have control of, but iniquity is much deeper.  It can be in your dna from generational curses.  It's that kind of thing that you don't want to do but can't seem to stop.

That is why God says to search the deep parts of yourself.  You do it in prayer.  I believe strongly in counseling, because you must get to the root of problems and bad behaviors.  When you do then you can begin to change things.

There are prayers you pray and declarations over you life that you need to say.

Arch Bishop Duncan Williams

John Eckhardt Ministries-

Each of the above sites have amazing books, DVDs, CDs  to read about breaking generational curses and things that have been passed down to you, and called upon you.

I pray this info helps.  

Song - "Give Me a Clean Heart" by: Fred Hammond

Psa 64:6They search out 2664 iniquities 5766; they accomplish 8552 a diligent 2664 search 2665: both the inward 7130 [thought] of every one 376 [of them], and the heart 3820, [is] deep 6013.

Psa 42:7Deep 8415 calleth 7121 unto deep 8415 at the noise 6963 of thy waterspouts 6794: all thy waves 4867 and thy billows 1530 are gone5674 over me.

Psa 107:24These see 7200 the works 4639 of the LORD 3068, and his wonders6381 in the deep 4688.

Quiet your surrounding to hear God

In the times that we live in, everyone is yelling, protesting and arguing. It can cause anxiety, stress and anger. It's hard to get your...