Tuesday, May 26, 2020

My Blessing

My Blessing

  I lost my lil buddy, Darla last year. She had been with me through so much. She helped me with anxiety and feelings of overwhelming. So when I lost her, I have struggled a bit. 

  I have been praying for God's timing on getting another dog. I wanted the right dog.The dog had to get along with cats and other dogs. I have my Mommas cat and when I take the dog for a walk I didn't want to worry of aggression. 

  My daughter, Priscilla and I have been looking online at different rescues. We found a few and began to inquire about them. Some were not good with cats others not good with other dogs. There was one I really wanted but they had not tested her with cats. I emailed them and even called. Nothing. 

  Finally Priscilla decided to go to the Humane Society and look. We had them bring different ones in and check them out. One was so hestitant. I knew it would take a lot of patience and time to win her love. A cute lil boy came in and immidately peed on the chair. The worker said he tended to do that when he got excited. I am sure there is a way to train him to not do that but I knew it wasn't me.  Finally we saw this big dog named "Potatoe". He was so friendly and so wanting to get hugs and affection. We fail in love. I wasn't sure because of his size. I had never had a dog that big in a house. We talked about it and decided he was the one. We brought him home and began loving him. Not long, that very day, I got an email about the one I had wanted and she was being adopted. So that door was closed. God showed me I was on the right track. 

   What I have learned through this is; the blessings God has for us do not always come in the package we want or expect. I wanted a cute lil dog.One that would be easily handled and cared for. Instead I got a clifford size big love bug. haha  I have no clue what all he has been through or experienced so it is kinda challenging at times. But when those big eyes look into mine with trust, I can't give up on him. We are trying to train him to our schedule and ways. It isn't easy but God never said his blessings would be easy or without stress. 

  I have realized that since I have had him, I am not having sleeping issues. I feel loved, needed and blessed. He is like a magnet following me from room to room. Imagine Clifford the big red dog following you every where. haha But.....I am so thankful. I know that God blessed me with Potatoe and I know he will adapt eventually. So thankful that God knows what we need, when we need it, and what package to bring it in.



  I remember when I was going through my divorce and even after. It was a very difficult time. I had lost most of my sense of worth. I was asked to be on the Praise and Worship team. I joined. They started asking me to do solos. I did. I felt a release when I did it and a refreshening strength. 

  It wasn't without critics though. Some would just cast hints of how they felt about my singing. Some loved it. There was a deacons wife who came up to me and said I should probably go to a Black Church since I sang a lot of Black Gospel music. Some liked Southern Gospel and that's all they wanted. Others loved it. My Pastor and his wife loved it and asked me to do specials. I could have given up. I could have gotten discouraged. Hurt?  A bit. We all want everyone to like us and to applaud us. When they don't, we begin to question ourselves. 

  One thing that I stood my ground with is; I do it unto the Lord, not them. When I sang, I closed my eyes and it was me and the Lord. I praised him. Worshiped him for all he had done and been to me. 

  There will always be critics. Some will tell you how to do it. Others just make you feel as though you can't. You will come across those who are better. It doesn't matter. Don't compare yourself to others. Their gift is theirs. God equipts each of us with a different talent and gift. Train yourself. Practice. Be the best version of yourself you can be. Never stop. Do it unto the Lord. Pray for his anointing to take over and tell the Lord you won't do it without him. He will bless all your efforts with his presence.

  So let the critics be critics. They are there to remind you we are in an imperfect world with imperfect people. Keep on. Let God flow through you and use you in an amazing way. Never give up. 



Quiet your surrounding to hear God

In the times that we live in, everyone is yelling, protesting and arguing. It can cause anxiety, stress and anger. It's hard to get your...