Saturday, July 21, 2012

God Speaks

One thing that I have learned in life is that people will let you down, hurt you, disappoint you, reject you, leave you.  This is life.
The only one that you can count on is the Lord. His word is certain and the only thing that will stand.  Everything else will pass away.
It is certain that if God speaks, he will be faithful to fulfill, one way or the other.  Because when he speaks, it  forms in the heavens.  God can't speak without it being formed. When God opens his mouth to us....things are formed.  That is why I cry out for God to always speak into my life.  I want his will and way to be formed in me.  Nothing else will do.
When the world walks out on you....God will step in and do a mighty work.  In the bible his people always waited on a word from God, because God's word was a certain thing.  Not a wavering , yes today, maybe tomorrow, let's change the next.  What he spoke, they could count on.
I pray that whatever you are facing that God will speak into your situations and turn things around. Trust your God. He is faithful.
Song-"Word of God speak" By:Mercy Me

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