Saturday, October 6, 2012

From Whence I came....

Song - "You Are Life To Me" by: Clint Brown
This is where my kids and I lived after my divorce for about 3 years.  We stayed next to my parents house.  It was a hard time for the kids and I but we stuck together and God got us through it.

I hadn't worked outside the house in 11 years so it was slow going, getting back into the work force.  I applied for a government apartment and they let me get on the list even though I wasn't supposed to because I wasn't working yet.  But God.  He worked things out and we were able to move into our first apartment.

I was so blessed to have Pastors that loved me and encouraged me.  I couldn't have made it without their love and instruction.  They will always have a special place in my heart.  Pastor Janelle encouraged me to continue to sing on the worship team.  Her support kept me stable.  Pastor Vaughan, always listened, instructed and comforted me through the divorce.  God placed me under divine covering.
I was so blessed to sit under Pastor Randall Vaughan and Janelle Vaughan.  They left such a deep impression of God's love and word, that it made me want to do and be better. They were approachable, and always ready to listen, and be anointed Pastors to those who needed them. They never kept people from a distance but embraced them with a true Shepherd's heart.  I miss them dearly.  I always loved doing volunteer work in the office and making Pastor coffee.  He always had a word.  I pray blessings, favor and overflow for them and their families.

It was a big adjustment living in an apartment alone.  I had never lived out on my own, let alone with two kids.  I was scared to death.  It took me a while to be ok. lol  We didn't have any furniture.  I took the mattress from the travel trailer and we slept on it.  Momma and Daddy gave us a little TV.  So we started off with pretty much nothing.  When I was going through the divorce, my Ex, wanted to fight over everything and my Daddy finally said "Let'em have it all, God will replace all your stuff".  So I did.  I let him have the house and everything.  God used family and friends to donate furniture, beds. etc.... It was amazing how God worked.  I wasn't rich, but I was so blessed.  It was so wonderful to live in peace and be safe.
Song - "Keep Me" by: Patrick Dopson

I can look back at the places we've lived and the things we have gone through and now I can see God's hand always protecting, always providing.

Tonight I just want to say "Thank you Lord, for always walking with me, carrying me, providing for me, healing me and restoring me. I serve an amazing God.

I remember collapsing on the steps of that travel trailer and realizing it was all over.  He wasn't coming back. I was alone and all the abuse and hurt flooded me. I knew I shouldn't live in abuse but there was that thing that said "Something is better than nothing" and I didn't want to be alone.  It was so hard to except that I was going to have't to learn to stand alone and be healed before God could send anyone into my life.  It was in the darkest time of my life that a journey to healing started.  God made sure I got the book...Woman Thou Art Loosed book.  Then the book The Lady, Her Lover, Her Lord.  Then Daddy's Little Girl....all were written by: Bishop TD Jakes.  God is so amazing how he orchestrated my healing.  I

Song - "Woman Thou Art Loosed" by: Vicki Winan and Sheryl Brady

Book - Woman Thou Art Loosed by: Bishop TD Jakes

God can take you from nothingness, a life full of joy, peace and contentment. God changed me before he changed my circumstances. He worked out the bitterness and anger.  He let me walk through some fire to understand that he is God no matter where I am.

I know God's blessing are coming.  I know God's going to provide more than enough so that I can be a testimony of his restoration power and to help those in need.

My Story isn't has only begun....I'm 49 and awaiting for that divine appointment.  Thank ya Lord.

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