Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Song- "Same Ole Love" By: Anita Baker
Daddy & Momma have been married 59 years as of today. That, to me, is amazing. With so many people giving up on their marriages and walking away...I applaud there tenacious love.

I have watched them from a child, walk through turmoil, and hard times together. There have been times of drought, and blessings. Times of great health and times of overwhelming sickness. They stuck it out. Stayed by each others side.

Not because there were no problems. There was. Not because they were perfect, they weren't and aren't. Not because someone put a guilt trip on them, but because they honestly love each other. They said vows and meant them. Til death do us part. 

Song- "Sweet Love" By:Anita Baker

They both had previous marriages that were awful.  They came together united a family, had kids, raised us in Church, had grandkids, loved deeply everyone of us. Baby sat, gave, and helped each one of us through out the years.

Now that they are aging, Daddy 89 and Momma 78, their health, hearing, patience, and mentality isn't what it used to be, but they still are hanging in there. There are good days, and bad days, but when something is wrong with one, the other hurts too. That is love.

I have never personally been given real love from a Man, but I know that there are great Men of honor that know how to commit and be loyal ...till death do us part. I am so thankful for imperfect parents with an imperfect marriage that loved perfectly.

Song- "We're In This Love Together" By: Al Jarreau

Thank you Momma & Daddy. You are the only reason....I never closed my heart completely.Many many more years of love.

Song - Unforgettable By: Nat King Cole

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