Thursday, October 4, 2012


Song - "I Trust You" by: James Fortune

The thing that we pay the most attention to, will be nurtured and grow.  If you feed your fears, doubts, will enlarge. They grow because you are focused on it.  It will consume you if you don't catch yourself and change what you focus on.

That is why we are to be in God's word.  We are to not only read it, but study it.  Do research on it.  Apply it.  It will build our faith.  The things that stressed you and worried you so, will fade with time because your focus is on God's word and all HE SAYS.  

If you don't believe me, do an experiment.  Take two plants.  Put one to the side and ignore it.  Take the other and water it, make sure it has plenty of sun, but not too much.  Put your attention on it.  See which plant dies, and which grows and enlarges.

So if you are dwelling on negative things, make a conscience effort to put up scriptures and positive quotes where you can see and read them. Use sticky notes. Start reading God's word and things that are uplifting.  Declare to your day what it will be instead of,  letting it fall however.  

We can't always help being in an negative environment but we, ourselves can change our bubbled area with songs of praise, God's word, and positive outlook.

No matter how gloomy things may seem today, they can change in a second.  Hope is still there.  Reach for it.  Call for it.  Declare that God is going to turn your situations around. 

God has a plan for your life.  When you are able to look up and see that he isn't going to leave you where your at forever, hope will come back. 

Hope delayed maketh the heart sick.
Proverbs 13:12 
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick - When once a good is discovered, want of it felt, strong desire for the possession excited, and the promise of attainment made on grounds unsuspected, so that the reality of the thing and the certainity of the promise are manifest, hope posts forward to realize the blessing. Delay in the gratification pains the mind; the increase of the delay prostrates and sickens the heart; and if delay sickens the heart, ultimate disappointment kills it. But when the thing desired, hoped for, and expected comes, it is a tree of life, עץ חיים ets chaiyim, "the tree of lives;" it comforts and invigorates both body and soul. To the tree of lives, in the midst of the gardens of paradise, how frequent are the allusions in the writings of Solomon, and in other parts of the Holy Scriptures! What deep, and perhaps yet unknown, mysteries were in this tree!

When we put our hopes in God's word then we can have Great Hope.  No matter what the situations around us look like we can know that God has a better plan for our lives.

I am not going to lie, I have had some rough spots when I felt down, and my heart sick but I had to get up, shake it off, change my garments into praise and start reaching for hope. God's word has given me hope, life, and a new start, many times. My inheritance lies in God.  My future, and anything good lies in God.  So when I put my focus on God....I know it is much brighter than my today.

I pray that you learn to focus, and nurture good things in your life, and let go of the negative and damaging things that try to plague you.

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22 (New King James Version)

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